
Saturday, August 1, 2009

forwarded e-mail

Yakulturization 101

Back in the days when its either the magnolia guy that you're waiting for to pass by outside your house on a weekend or the yakult lady dressed up with blue cap and dragging the stroller filled with yakult packs in 5 that you would run to your mom and grab her skirt to go get you one. Those were the days then.

A couple of days ago me and my friend dropped by at mini stop just for snacks when we found a whole pack of Yakult on the shelve of the chilled section. We took one just savor it out of novelty. And Damn !it still does taste real good.. i could still remember one my sibling drinking it with a poked straw on its top.. while reminiscing the memories at the same time that yakult taste touches my tongue the 6 note melodic tune of its theme keeps playing background of my auidiobiotic thoughts. there was even a time way back in college that i was looking for a yakult ring tone in the days when phones were still monophonic ringers.

Me and my friend thought .. man, this stuff's good and it has been there for ages . Why didnt they thought of packaging it in litres or maybe in 500ml bottles. We thought why didnt they .. is there any known side effect of overdosing yourself with yakult..? we asked ourselves... yakult tastes really good and a lot of folks like it .. is it because its healthy or just because of its taste..? we asked ourselves again.

Then it occurred to me on what actual benefits we get in drinking this tiny bottle of health bomb.. We all do know that its healthy coz of this Lactobacilli Casei strain that some guy named Minuro Shirota discovered . which eventually helps in maintaining the balance of good bacteria and bad ones in our digestion. Ok we know that's healthy.. but crap ! lactobacilli casei shirota is already in our system ..! That's nothing new to a kid who grew up with medically inclined parents.. My dad took pre med school and worked as an area manager for MJ.. yah..we had endless stock of Enfalac,Enfamil and Enfapro at home when we were kids.. hahaha! My Moms a Medical. Tech and took nursing when i was already high school just coz he has nothing to do then.. but what's bothering me is why this lactobasilly has to do with its taste or not..?

as dicey would put it: Mmhhh Shirota. You imagine a legion of tiny brave samurai Shirota bacteria that patrol through your body and hack into every sick-making microorganism with their cute but deadly kitanas. "Now demon, I don't want to see your mitochondria near this colon or, by my honour, I shall smite thee with this cute but deadly polyprotein weapon." hahaha...

So i got online and began looking for answers.. which only sent me to oblivion and disappointment .. i went to every website of yakult in every known country who had managed to put up big yakult factories. Wow this company has indeed made it global. God ! they even own a baseball team in Japan.

But what i was looking for was not quenched. Every info page in every website they have, in every different country keeps saying the same ----..! its healthy, drink it ! its good for you ! . damn..!..

But how.? Why? i became more interested in investigating how Dr. Shirota uncovered the strain.. i scrammed every page that has to do with Yakult ..

Stumbling upon wikipedia's entry for yakult the last line describes as : Today, Yakult is manufactured and sold in Japan, Asia, Australia, Latin America, and Europe, although its bacteria cultures are still imported from a mother strain in Japan regardless of production location.

and Guess what i found next.: The Real Deal .

No wonder it taste so good... freakin' sh@#! ..They have this huge basin like container in mother Japan that they store Human Fecal waste to rot. where they could extract the bacteria which will be used next to culture it. Damn right it is...

Come to think of it .. We Drink a tiny bottle of processed milk with 6bilion of that idy bity something of Lcs strain packed in it. that actually came from sh#@! collected from who knows who from the Japanese population. and distributed worldwide ! How's That ?

Hay naku Shirota-San you duped us.. !
Maybe that's the reason why I'm so calcium deficient
i loved yakult more than a carton fresh milk when i was a kid..!
No wonder why they dont make Yakult Litro !
The Japs did it again ! .. Bakero!

And Yes Dicey ; " Yakult ain't ----.. "

It's Freakin' Made from ---- !

Crap ! Me go get clusivol nlang, its cheaper than Yakult..

" if health is wealth.. I'm Broke ~ !!.

Note : Thanks to Dicey for making my investigation a little lot faster.

some of the references :




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