Tuesday, March 31, 2009
My name is Mary Rugee Gayle Ligon Aguinaldo Mendoza Y Fetalvero, sixteen-year old student from BettBien Highschool. I am into badminton, table tennis and volley ball. Playing PS2 and PC games are also in my list of passions. Tomboyish? not at all. I am also into a girly stuff like dancing, shopping and boys. I love all forms of art but thinks fashion styling is top. I grew up in the barrio of Sto.Tomas .I show the real me to everyone. You can easily approach me when you need someone to lean on. I dream big for my family. I love God above all.
i am me..
i love myself..
i don't care if you don't like me..
i don't like you more.,
no matTer whAt yOu sAy,
i liKe mySeLf.
For everYonE whO tHinks thEy knOw mE..
i fOrgivE yOu.,,
i jUst dO whAt i waNt,,
iT's noT abOut w hAt peOpLe arE sayiNg abOut mE..
peopLe arE aLways gonNa taLk and
to teLL yOu thE trUth,,i lovE it.!
i lovE thE atTentiOn.,,,
i do whAt i do becaUsE iT puts a smiLe on mY facE..
maybE.. just maybE.. i liKe bEing unpERfecT..
eveRyonE sEes whO i apPear to bE
bUt onLy a few know thE reaL me.,,
you can onLy seE whaT i choOse to shoW., theRes so mucH beHind this smiLe.. YOU.JUST.DON'T.KNOW.

i love myself..
i don't care if you don't like me..
i don't like you more.,
no matTer whAt yOu sAy,
i liKe mySeLf.
For everYonE whO tHinks thEy knOw mE..
i fOrgivE yOu.,,
i jUst dO whAt i waNt,,
iT's noT abOut w hAt peOpLe arE sayiNg abOut mE..
peopLe arE aLways gonNa taLk and
to teLL yOu thE trUth,,i lovE it.!
i lovE thE atTentiOn.,,,
i do whAt i do becaUsE iT puts a smiLe on mY facE..
maybE.. just maybE.. i liKe bEing unpERfecT..
eveRyonE sEes whO i apPear to bE
bUt onLy a few know thE reaL me.,,
you can onLy seE whaT i choOse to shoW., theRes so mucH beHind this smiLe.. YOU.JUST.DON'T.KNOW.

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