
Thursday, April 2, 2009

At last graduation day! At last no more pens and paper. No more bullies and nerds. No more projects, all we can say are a big YES! It’s a new chapter of our life, it’s a new beginning, and new challenges await us.

Its time to earn some money, its time for us to prove who we are and what we've study for four years. It's a pity that we've finish a bachelor degree but there are no better future for us. It's a battle for us; we straggle to survive just to finish my college… Can I have my work? I will groom my self just like an executive, like I'm a regular worker on the office. Just to be presentable while I'm applying to the company that will give me a better life and good life that I've dream of. Waking up early, walking under the heat of sun, water is my favorite lunch, yosi or bubble gum is my miryenda. A whole day of applying and I'm tired for the day... I will call it a day for now and I will go home to relax my mind. There are none assurance if I will be accepted for my job. While relaxing my mind I’m browsing, reading news paper for company hiring capable on my knowledge.

There are examinations before you go to college and that is called 'Aptitude and Interest Inventory Assessment of the Youth profiling for star Careers'. This examination will help you if what will be suitable for on your knowledge and capabilities on your college life. What if you pass and you don’t like that course, or it will not help you but it will make your life worst (sounds interesting). Many of our graduates who finish there studies are having difficulties on finding there jobs. Yeah! My course is awesome and these courses are in, yeah I have a nice, pretty, beautiful girl’s classmate on my class. Are the Pretty girl’s classmates will help you in your bright future? Are they going to give you work when you finish your college?

They said that take a nursing course and go to US so that you can have a better life. You can’t survive here in the Philippines. So the Nursing course was in here in the Philippines but they are making the 4 years course to a 5 years course. What’s the big idea to make a 4 years to become a 5 years? So the nursing are in now and almost all of the students going to college are taking the nursing course. More years and more money for the college schools is that the way to help our country? Then our country limited our licensed nursing going to other country in that case they must support and give enough salary for the nurse here in the Philippines. That’s why they take nursing so that they can earn a fare money for there life. Are the salary of nurse here in the Philippines are enough for them? We have graduates and they have fascinating skills and because of working struggles here in the Philippines all there skills are wasted and they just dump as a call center agents. I hope we can find a way to use our bachelor degree in the right way

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