Frostwire version 4.17.2  

Friday, April 24, 2009

As with LimeWire, FrostWire is in Java, and therefore is capable of supporting multiple platforms. While LimeWire is available in both free and paid versions, FrostWire is released only as a free version, the Windows version of which comes bundled with the toolbar. The FrostWire program includes many of the functionalities of LimeWire's free version, as well as a few features of LimeWire Pro's payment based upgrades. FrostWire also provides a chatroom, which is absent in LimeWire. However, LimeWire includes an instant messenger using the Jabber protocol and allows the user to share with individual friends in the messenger which is a feature not found in FrostWire. FrostWire's interface used to be nearly identical to that of LimeWire's. With the release of LimeWire 5.0, LimeWire created a brand new interface while FrostWire continues to use the old interface found in older versions of LimeWire. FrostWire's skin may be changed to a variety of different colors which is no longer an option in LimeWire 5.0.

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